A weblog with random thoughts and reflections on society and ecology.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Permaculture is a whole-systems approach to design, and can be applied to any area of human activity: architecture, built communities, community organizing, mechanical devices, food production, etc.
To do effective permaculture design, we need to...
- Have a good understanding of the basic principles of permaculture
- Have a good knowledge of the field they are to be applied to. This includes the available techniques, when they are appropriate and not, etc.
For some reason, there are two common misconceptions about permaculture floating around:
- It is primarily (or exclusively) about food production
(wrong - it can be applied to design in any area) - It prescribes specific techniques
(wrong - it gives a set of guidelines to help us think about the design, and a way to select and organize the different techniques and approaches available in the particular field we are working in. No one technique can be appropriate in all situations, the world is far too variable and complex).